Lower Valley Athletic Foundation center badge

Referee Application

We are looking for Referees for our Sports leagues and Tournaments

Currently we offer flag football leagues and tournaments but we are planning on adding more sports in the near future.

Right now league games are on Sundays but we are planning on expanding to include other days as well.

Tournaments are usually held on the weekend but can also include other days of the week.

Location of most games are within 20 minutes of Pittsburgh PA. Reliable transportation is a must. Please fill out application to discuss rates of pay.


  • Equipment will be provided if accepted.
  • We will also provide training if accepted.
  • Basic football knowledge is a must!
  • Past football experience is a PLUS!
  • Past officiating experience is a PLUS!
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Please also include city, state and zip code.
Phone Number
Please include area code
Email Address
This email will be used for training information and contacting you about scheduling, rules,etc...
License Number
Birth Date
Open the calendar popup.
Past Experience
Please list any past football or officiating experience
Shirt size
What size shirt do you wear?
Shoe size
What size shoe do you wear?

Required Fields